Wednesday, June 18, 2014

(15 DPO) - Uh ... that's a line.

EDIT: Uh. I accidentally had this labeled as 17 DPO ... I went back and re-checked my period app and realized I'm more along the lines of 15 DPO. Sorry.

I told myself I would wait until my period came, or didn't come, to test. But damnit I always break promises to myself. I'm pretty bad about that, actually. So tonight, I worked a 5-hour shift and held my pee. I wouldn't recommend that since it really is horrible for your bladder and can cause a lot of issues. But in the TTC world, it's perfectly normal ... so there's that.

Anyway, I came home and took an Answer brand test. 

Here's what I got.

Nothing to see right away, right?

Well, when I opened it up in Photoshop and tweaked it a bit, I got this.

It's there and it's pink. I used a BFP from a Google search of the same brand so that I could make sure the line was in the right place. It's even there when I invert it. Yes, I know it's not recommended to tweak tests, but all I did was adjust the brightness and contrast. That's allowed, right? It's my blog and I'm gonna do what I want, damnit. Anyway, I really think this may be the beginning of a BFP for me and I'm pretty stoked.

But is it viable? I mean, AF is due in two days. I haven't spotted yet, which is an excellent sign since I do 90% of the time right before she shows. But if this is a super super light BFP, shouldn't it be much darker for being this close to AF?

I'm going to go ahead and try not to stress. The only "symptoms" I'm experiencing are lower back pain, weird tastes in my mouth and tingly nipples. Fingers crossed.

EDIT: Here's another photo of the same test, taken around the 5-minute mark.


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