(TTC = trying to conceive)
Here's a list of abbreviations I may use on my blog and what they mean:
- 2WW = 2 week wait (the time between ovulation and expected period)
- AF = Aunt Flo (your period)
- BBT = Basal body temperature
- BD = Baby dancing (sex)
- BCP = Birth control pills
- BFP = Big fat positive pregnancy test
- BFN = Big fat negative pregnancy test
- CD = Cycle day (the first day of your period is CD 1)
- CM = Cervical mucus (TMI alert!)
- CP = Chemical pregnancy
- DH = Dear husband (not so dear most of the time....)
- DPO = Days past ovulation
- Endo = Endometriosis
- EDD = Estimated due date
- EPT = Early pregnancy test
- EWCM = Egg white cervical mucus (ew)
- FMU = First morning urine
- FRER = First Response Early Response pregnancy test
- HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (the hormone HPTs look for)
- HPT = Home pregnancy test
- IVF = In-vitro fertilization
- LMP = Last menstrual period
- M/C = Miscarriage
- POAS = Pee on a stick
- TTC = Trying to conceive
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